Find the shortest regex that perfectly matches the given strings. The shorter the better!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right words! This quiz contains a mix of everything.
Find the shortest regex that matches the right stations.
Find the shortest regex that matches the right countries!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right fruits and vegetables!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right products!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right anime!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right spells!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right states!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right stations.
Find the shortest regex that matches the right Pokémon!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right openings!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right dinosaurs!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right elements!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right chengyu!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right cards!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right services!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right artists!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right songs!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right songs!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right songs!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right songs!
Find the shortest regex that matches the right songs!