Multivariable Calculus
AY22/23 S2
This course is all about working in the 2D and 3D space. It deals with the behaviour of different functions, including continuity, differentiation, vector fields.
Continuity and differentiation talks about whether a surface is smooth or not. We deal with Lagrange multipliers, which basically deals with the gradient of a function. With this, we can find the local minima and maxima of the function, and from there, we can solve all kinds of optimisation problems.
The second half of the course is all about vector fields. This is a very Physics-related topic, as it deals with lots of concepts like divergence, curl, and line integrals. These are all very powerful concepts, and they can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. These are some of the hardest to draw diagrams for, as you'll be trying to draw 3D figures. But try your best, okay? It's important to visualise the problem, as it can help you solve it much more easily.
Workload is very low. Tutorial attendance is not compulsory, and there are only a few graded assignments. There is of course the exams, which has the potential to be deadly. Since the topic is quite grounded in reality, expect a few real-world problems to be thrown in. But overall, I think the course is quite manageable, and I think I deserved the A.
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