Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
AY22/23 S2
This module is a good starter pack for soft skills. Though it may seem as fluff for most people, I think it's not. We computing students don't really have any soft skills, especially as compared to other majors like Business. We don't have that high of a tutorial participation weightage, and lectures don't have any participation marks. Which makes this course one of only two computing mods that actually teaches soft skills. This course is twinned with CS2103T, which means that your team for CS2101 and CS2103T will be the same. Make sure you get good and reliable teammates, as you'll be stuck with them for 8MCs worth of courses.
Content-wise, I actually find the topics and discussions quite helpful. It heavily encourages us to speak up more during lessons, as tutorial participation is quite high. We are encouraged to share our answers with the class very often.
As for workload, it's a little on the heavier side, as we have 2x2h tutorial slots every week, which makes it a little difficult to plan your schedule around. But other than that, it's quite a low-effort course. Your grade is heavily influenced by how much your tutor favors you, so be sure to be memorable in class and participate a lot. As for specifics, you will have two presentations (one on a career-related topic, and one about your CS2103T project), the User Guide from your CS2103T project, and two reflections. That's pretty much it. With reliable teammates, it's quite manageable.
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